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Updated: May 4, 2022

Blog Hop : Collection Collaboration

[Trigger Warning]


The infertility path is almost one of silence and yet crowded. It can be a heavy, messy narrative. Unlike a story, this narrative does not necessarily have a clear beginning, middle and end, it unfolds over time. The infertility narrative showcases a range of stories whose conclusions vary.

Facing challenges of trying to grow a family is not for the faint hearted. It requires the strength and wisdom of the Gods to navigate, including fortitude of character and meekness, to administer charity and compassion to yourself in the process.


Each of us visiting here today, may be personally familiar with the triumphs and heartaches of trying to grow a family; the joys, losses and unfulfilled expectations that become part of our life's story or perhaps a loved one’s journey.

A courageous woman navigating the heartache of infertility recently shared her anxiety of wanting to document this deeply personal topic. Frustrated and failing in her attempts, she reached out to the memory keeping community for some insight, comfort, and help. Whilst we cannot always cure the pains or losses we experience in life, we can help bear one another’s burdens, making light what feels unbearably heavy to carry, lifting by our words and actions.

Each one of the designers contributing to this collection have personally been touched by this topic. We have wrestled our own emotions, as you have shared your moving stories of heartache and hope on trying to grow your family. Your words proving this silent journey travelled by the many, is successfully negotiated when we support and nurture one another through the growing pains of life. This collection reflects our desires to comfort, by collectively sharing our skills and talents to express our support, as you learn to manage, overcome or endure those challenges that refine us.

"Documenting the deeply personal stories that have made up my infertility narrative has had the transformative capacity to help me connect and heal, often revealing how the ordinary became extraordinary." I can confidently say, that documenting your journey can be transformative for you...


It is my honour to participate in this thoughtful blog hop, celebrating the women who bravely narrate the hopes and heartaches of growing a family. This collaborative collection has been intentionally curated to help you be the author of the delicate stories you want told and preserved. It is our attempt to "bear one another's burdens" by using our skills and talents to provide a free resource for documenting this journey.

The "Fertility Journey" collection was generously designed by six participating companies. Dunia Designs, Katelia Designs, The Practical Scrapper, Rosy Cheek Designs, Soco Designs,

and Wilson | Wilson.

When you hop through all the stops, you will have downloaded six gorgeous collections from each participating company, totalling 48 cards to add to your documenting library.


The blog Hop has now expired, you can download the entire collection for free as a member of the Simply Project Life-App Scrappers Face Book Group .


The Wilson | Wilson "Fertility Journey " collections are located in the Story Prompts and Everyday Edition tabs. Each have been designed in our understated style aesthetics, enabling them to pair perfectly with other collections in our online boutique.

Our contribution, as seen below, consists of 6 designer cards and 16 block colour cards to coordinate with the entire collection. To download now, click the link here to join the Project Life app Scrappers group, answer the membership questions


How do you announce Infertility? You do not . . .

Many women have or are navigating the heartache and challenges of this condition. It can take you from hopeful to hopeless quicker than you can say baby. I know from my own personal experiences, which have spanned several decades of being high on the aroma of hopeful...Now at 53, I have a valuable perspective that serves me well, because I have been the recipient of immeasurable tender mercies in navigating this experience, thus enabling me to feel blessed not bitter about our allotment in life. Whilst this mortal condition has left us childless, we have embraced the titles of Baron and Baroness von Wilson, [wink], like it is a badge of honour, as we become the dead branch on the family tree.

Having walked the winding path of being childless, I understand the pains of bereavement from loss, mine born from an insurmountable raft of unfulfilled expectations that are carefully manage as my husband and I age. We have had the pleasure and discomfort of navigating the awkward, unpleasant, painful, and unexpected, together. When our wallets were drained, our hearts were full. When the tsunami of grief rolled in, we were able to find high ground. When the ignorant, well meaning, or tactless voices reached our ears, we could draw strength on the revelatory clarity that came, helping us to have a vision beyond our present circumstances, renewing a hope in eternal possibilities.

The challenges faced in growing families vary. Many take opportunities through medical intervention or adoption and fostering. The inability to increase your family is impactful. Losses can take the form of infertility, miscarriage, still birth, medical termination, medical conditions, the inability to adopt/foster, infant death, and the unexplained, they all leave us childless. I hope, whatever the trauma your story includes, it is equally matched by unexpected triumphs that have brought joy.

Please do not let "just the sorrows" be the hidden stories of your heart; we need stories in our families of managing the unexpected, unexplained, unplanned, and uninvited, they help others navigate the difficulties of life, be inspired, and unafraid and fearless in heading towards the unknown tomorrows. Write your stories of triumphs over tragedy, your storytelling is the difference this world needs, particularly your family. One story at a time, can inspire change, accelerate progress, and be the lighthouse during a storm. Other people's stories have enriched my life and been a beacon on my darkest nights. Stories are impactful for how they can influence us.


Friday, April 30, 8pm ACST

To continue the narrative on the challenges of growing a family, and how that varies, we will be DEBUTING NEW COLLECTIONS to support you in documenting those stories. See below image,[ Infertility.01 Collection.]

Please join/follow us on our instragram account as we share sneak peeks and announcements regarding their arrival in our online Boutique [shop.]

You may also wish to consider subscribing to our newsletter

Click to explore the new "Infertility" Collection.


As I mentioned earlier, stories are impactful. Stories teach, instruct, provide insight, inspire, and influence. Often stories will show you how ordinary people became extraordinary.

Our shared philosophy that stories matter, is built into every design we create. Our tag line, "what inspires you, inspires what we do," guides our approach to product development. We research content, create design and curate collections based on your memory keeping needs. Our functional and mindful approach to collections means our minimalist design, harmonising hues, and considered typography will age beautifully, ensuring your memory keepsakes are statements for generations.

There is no denying we love our collections, more importantly, we want you to love documenting your stories from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Stories are the pearls of life. The narrative is the carefully strung string of pearls. The narrative connects all the stories to create the big picture called life, a priceless treasure. There is only one narrator that is expert enough to author your life stories, you! Please consider...

If you have made it to the bottom of this post, a heartfelt thank you.

Please know that I appreciate you and value your time in being here, *"effort brings rewards." Click on this link and enjoy your reward.

Much Love



* Russell M. Nelson

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